My highlight of this year was when I got the opportunity to go with a group of other sutdent to rangitoto island. I have no dislikes about this year.
I will miss my friends and teachers the most, they have taught me a lot of new things this year. That i will treasure throughout my years of college.
I am a Year 7 student at St Pius X in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teacher is Mrs Tui.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Activity Week!!!
This is a short film about my experience which happen last week. I had a wonderful time exploring.
Friday, November 20, 2015
First ever experience of doing Sailing!!!
Wow, last week on Thursday was my first time experiencing sailing. Which made me nervous because I don’t know what to do or how to control the sailboat. My partner was Salote which made me even more nervous because we both don’t know what to do. But lucky our instructor Reuben explain how to control the sailboat and he also gave us some tips on what to do.
On our first round I was scared because I thought I will fall down and become soaking wet, but at the end of our first round I was relieved that I did not fall. When it came to the second round my partner and I got the hang of handling the sailboat which made it easy to control.
But on the last round I decided to go by myself which I thought it was going to be hard because I have never ever went by myself. I was the first one to leave the shore, I was coming first I turned around in circles so i can head back to shore where everyone was waiting for us. I was the first one back.
At the end of the day I had fun learning how to do sailing, and also I learnt a lot just from the one lesson of doing sailing. I will like to go back there in the future and try it again.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Practicing saying numbers in Spanish
This is a video of my peer and I practicing counting in Spanish.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Practising Spainish.
Here is an video of me and my Peer Rachel practicing speaking in Spanish.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Kiwi Sport - Touch.
Today room 7 had our third touch lesson, we played a few touch drill. The Girl were struggling with one of the drill so our instructor Katy separate the girls from the boys we were confused and frustrated. I had fun but I still need more practice on my passing.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
PAT - Maths Test
This morning room 7 had a PAT maths. I could not think straight because I was tired. I was very nervous because I did not know if I will fail or succeed . I felt scared because I haven't study a lot on maths, but I tried my best to complete the test. Next time I will study so I can succeed.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
E-Asstle writing test.
Last week the school had a e-asstle writing which took 40 minutes. I was not looking forward for this test because I knew that I have not had a lot of practice in my free time at home. I tried my best to complete my piece of writing. But now I know that I should practice more in my free time.
Touch - Kiwi Sport
our kiwi sport. During this session i have learnt a lot of new skill on how to play touch even better. I am looking forward to the next touch lesson.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Grandparents Mass...
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Friends - God has created.
Learn: I can Find a sign that helps me to know that God is present, by seeing my friends plating and laughing helps me to know that God is present in that person
Why do you think God Created Friends?
Our loving God has blessed me with a group of caring and helpful friend who I can turn to when I need to open up to someone. They are there to listen to what I have to say and I am there for them when they need me, we all got each others back. They help me to remember what a kind and big heart God we have looking down on us.
Do you think God is beautiful?
Yes, I think God is beautiful because he bless all of us with many great gifts and people that love and support us throughout our life. He has also blessed us with many of his creations by giving life to all living things in this earth today.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
I have learnt how to solve percentages problem by using my knowledge of multiplication and division.
Monday, September 7, 2015
The 7 Sacraments.
Learn: To know the 3 groups of the sacraments.
To name the sacrament under each group.
The 3 groups of the Sacraments.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Who Am I ?
I am a sea creature that lives underwater. My medium sized body in full of beautiful ombre colours that go from black to blue to yellow all over, but in this case my body has yellow stripes, black and white scales, blue short tail. I am found in streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds, I hide around and inside old tree stumps and other places underwater. I can grown up to 12 inches long and about
4 1/2 pounds. Have you figured out who I am?Saturday, August 8, 2015
First Hockey Lesson
WOW. Mixed emotions started to hit me just like that, just because I heard the words “ okay head to the hall, it is time for hockey.” Once room 7 made their entrance into the hall the first thing we saw was the hockey sticks, cones and twos goal on each side of the hall. Once we settle down, the first thing we did was warm up with a relay. It was very hard doing a bear crawl because the floor was slippery.
Next we practised doing hockey drills, it was very hard because I have never played hockey but I tried my best. We also played a game of hockey, it was very hard because the floor was slippery but I managed not to fall. It was my turn I versed 2 boys they were very rough, I got hit with a hockey stick on my hand that was so hurtful that I got a bruised hand. I am sure every body had a
great time learning new hockey drills and how to play original hockey.
Our first hockey session was a great first lesson. I learnt a lot of new rules, drill during that session.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Rainbow Fish
Why should rainbow fish give her scales away? I think Rainbow fish made a good choice to give away her scales.
Firstly, because he is lonely and has no one to play with, and if he gives them one he will not be lonely and has someone to play with.
Secondly, he should do something that makes him happy and feel good about himself.
Lastly because he felt happier when he gave away his scales, but before he felt really upset that he has lost his friends.
I really enjoyed reading this book. Also this book actually taught me something, it doesn't matter what's on the outside what matters is what's on the inside. Also to think about other people
Friday, July 24, 2015
Basic Facts Test.
During my protect Maths test I tried to different test I did a Stage 6 and stage 7. I think I did good in both test.
Holiday Recount.
During my holidays there were a lot of mixed emotions. For me the holidays was about spending more time with my little siblings. Everywhere I go they follow me, I felt like a mother duck with her little siblings. From time to time they would be watching a lot of television, They were very eager to be outside.
So we raced outside, to get stuck into a game. After playing, I started to get dehydrated so I needed water . Later that day I became extremely tired so I decided to have a rest. While everyone was resting, I snuck out and went to the shops and brought me something.
While I was walking to the shop I felt scared & nervous, because I've never walk to the shops alone. I thought someone was stalking me because I saw shadows, but when I look back I saw nothing. Once I got to the shops I felt relieved.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Lectio Divina.
In R.E I learnt about Lectio Divina. This prayer surprised me because I have not heard a pray called Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina is a Traditional Prayer
Lectio Divina is a Traditional Prayer
In response, Here is my prayer :
Dear Lord,
You want us to be patience I ask you to bless me with virtue of patience. You want us to forgive others, I ask you to bless me with forgiveness.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015
Basic Fact Test

Today in my basic fact test I did okay because I got 29 out of 40. I did not do fractions and percentages because I do not understand it. My goals for next time is to learn my fractions and percentages.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
My Virtue Tree.
This is an image that shows what kind of virtue is growing in me
Mathematical problem.
Today in math we have to give evidence of how we solve math problems. Using tidy numbers.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Water Danger....
This is an presentation about Why the Lulworth cove is Dangerous.
My gift from God
Te Atua ( God ) gave me a gift ( Taunga ) and that gift is an loving caring family that cares for me.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Friday, June 12, 2015
Prayer to the Holy Spirit.
Dear Holy Spirit,
I ask that you may guide me in my school work. I ask that you may also give my hope and courage to carry on. Please help me to become a better person and be successful. I thank you for the life I am living, I also thank you for giving me strength in the time of sadness and loneliness. I am sorry for all the bad I have done.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Anzac Silhouette Painting.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Holy Spirit...
This is an photo of my understanding of what the Holy Spirit.
I do not remember any stories that contained the holy spirit, so this week I am going to learn the stories that contained the holy spirit.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Farewell Halamahe
H- H is for hope, I hope that you have a wonderful time with your family
A- A is for achieve, you have helped me achieve my goal
L- L is for Love, thank you for all the love you have gave us
A- A is for awesome, Thank you for being an awesome Teacher aid.
M- M is for might, You have had a a lot of might also you had a big heart
A- A is for Appreciate, I really Appreciate all the thing you have done for me
H- Helping, Ever since you have started working at this school, you have helped us a lot
E- E is for effort, thank you for all the effort you have put into our school
A- A is for achieve, you have helped me achieve my goal
L- L is for Love, thank you for all the love you have gave us
A- A is for awesome, Thank you for being an awesome Teacher aid.
M- M is for might, You have had a a lot of might also you had a big heart
A- A is for Appreciate, I really Appreciate all the thing you have done for me
H- Helping, Ever since you have started working at this school, you have helped us a lot
E- E is for effort, thank you for all the effort you have put into our school
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Titles of Jesus.
This is an picture of Titles names for Jesus.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Compensation Strategy
Today I have been learning how to use compensation to Solve maths promblem
Friday, February 27, 2015
Learning Jorunal
Friday 27/02/15- Reflection on testing
Learning Area
During my maths test I think I did pretty well. But during my maths test I had guess some.
Next time I will sit next to someone I know that won’t distract me during my test. I need learn Decimals
During my reading test I wasn’t focused because I was tired
Next time I will try and concentrate more on my reading, and I will go sleep early
During my star test I was a little bit distracted
Next time I’ll try be more focus.
During my writing I did pretty well. But I still need a little more time to use specific
I will try not talk a lot, also not get distracted fast
My attitude in my testing this week we and thumbs up and thumbs down.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
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